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2021年1月23日 星期六



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Overview of Autophagy
Source (
Info cited on 2021-01-24-WD7 (
資訊引用於 中華民國110年西元2021124) by 湯偉晉 (WeiJin Tang)

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Overview of Autophagy
M.A. Hayat, in Autophagy: Cancer, Other Pathologies, Inflammation, Immunity, Infection, and Aging, 2017

The peroxisome organelle is found in humans (especially in liver and kidney), fungi, protozoa, algae, and plants. It is surrounded by a single membrane. Peroxisome numbers are highly regulated in a cell in response to changes in the metabolic status, depending on the cellular needs. They are also required for the synthesis of essential cellular components such as plasmogens, isoprenoids, and lysine (Farré et al., 2013). Peroxisomes are dynamic metabolic organelles that are required for oxidation of fatty acids and reduction of hydrogen peroxide produced during lipid oxidation (Deosaran et al., 2013). Peroxisomes also break down methanol, ethanol, formaldehyde, and some types of amino acids. Peroxisomes are also involved in antiviral innate immunity and antiviral signaling (Dixit et al., 2010). The inability to maintain adequate number of peroxisomes is linked to various neurodegenerative diseases.

The selective degradation of dysfunctional peroxisomes by autophagy is referred to as pexophagy. Pexophagy is increased or decreased in response to changes in the metabolic state of the cell or the tissue. The substrate selection is mediated by ubiquitylation recruitment of ubiquitin-binding autophagic receptors, including NBR1, p62, NDP52, and Optineurin. Mutagenesis studies of the NBR1 receptor indicate that the amphipathic α-helical domain, the ubiquitin-associated (UBA) domain, the LC3-interacting region, and coiled-coil domain are necessary to mediate mammalian pexophagy (Deosaran et al., 2013).

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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are not solely by-products of peroxisomal metabolism. As signaling molecules, peroxisomal ROS can affect peroxisome homeostasis, e.g. the biogenesis and degradation of peroxisomes [4,5]. The latter is also named pexophagy, the selective degradation of peroxisomes in the vacuole [24,25].

Redox regulated peroxisome homeostasis; PY2015; PR China (
Source (
Info cited on 2021-01-24-WD7 (
資訊引用於 中華民國110年西元2021124) by 湯偉晉 (WeiJin Tang)

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