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2023年12月30日 星期六

electromagnetic induction (電磁感應)

induction (感應)

inductor (電感器)

inductance (電感)

Data Abstraction (資料抽象化)

Turing Award (圖靈獎)

Turing Award
Turing Award (圖靈獎)
圖靈獎 (Turing Award)

The Nobel Prize in Computer Science

Professor Yann LeCun

Deep Learning (深度學習)的課程 2020


Yann LeCun 教授

Professor Yann LeCun, Meta’s Chief AI Scientist; Facebook; Deep Learning (深度學習), Artificial Intelligence (人工智慧,人工智能) 2023-1216


Deep Learning (深度學習)的課程 2020

Professor Yann LeCun, Deep Learning course



Anti-Microsomal Antibody (抗微粒體抗體)

Anti-Microsomal Antibody
Anti-Microsomal Antibody (
抗微粒體抗體 (Anti-Microsomal Antibody)

Anti-Microsomal Antibody (

Anti-Microsomal Ab AMIA 抗微粒體抗體– 現代醫事檢驗所

precise (精確的)

precise (
精確的 (precise)

precise definition (精確的定義)

precise definition
precise definition (
精確的定義 (precise definition)

fulcrum (支點,支柱,關鍵點)

fulcrum (
支點,支柱,關鍵點 (fulcrum)

Research is the fulcrum of the academic community.


the point at which a bar, or something that is balancing, is supported or balances
A seesaw balances at its fulcrum.
[ S ] formal
the main thing or person needed to support something or to make it work or happen
The fulcrum of the debate/argument is the individual's right to choose.

Source or References (
Info cited on 2023-12-30-WD6 (
資訊引用於 中華民國112年西元20231230) by 湯偉晉 (WeiJin Tang)

oxidant molecule (氧化劑分子)

oxidant molecule
oxidant molecule (
氧化劑分子 (oxidant molecule)

Academic Communities (學術社群)

Academic Community
Academic Community (
學術社群 (Academic Community)

Academic Communities
Academic Communities (
學術社群 (Academic Communities)


Academic Community (學術社群)

Academic Community
Academic Community (
學術社群 (Academic Community)

Academic Communities
Academic Communities (
學術社群 (Academic Communities)

What is Academic Community?

Chapter 127
Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition
This type of learner-realized real world community engagement falls within three realms of influence, specifically current course colleagues, prior course collegial support system, and current and prior instructors.

A group of people in higher educational institutions who continuously engage in core intellectual activities such as teaching, learning and research.

Source or References (
Info cited on 2023-12-30-WD6 (
資訊引用於 中華民國112年西元20231230) by 湯偉晉 (WeiJin Tang)


2023年12月29日 星期五






humanist (人文主義者)

soil microbial communities (土壤中的微生物社群)

soil microbial community (土壤中的微生物社群)

soil microbial communities (土壤中的微生物社群)


土壤微生物群落(soil microbial communities)


metalloproteinase (金屬蛋白酶)

matrix metalloproteinase (基質金屬蛋白酶)

You are offline. (你目前處於離線中。)

Five Eyes Alliance (五眼聯盟)

Five Eyes Alliance (五眼聯盟)


Five Eyes Alliance (五眼聯盟)

Five Eyes Alliance (五眼聯盟)



zombie (殭屍)

zombie cell (殭屍細胞)

bursitis (滑液囊炎)

bursitis (滑液囊炎)

Olecranon bursitis (鷹嘴突滑液囊炎)

Olecranon bursitis (鷹嘴突滑液囊炎)

Olecranon bursitis (鷹嘴突滑液囊炎)

Olecranon bursitis (鷹嘴突滑液囊炎)

International House (國際學舍)

2023年12月28日 星期四

breathe (呼吸)

monopoly (壟斷)

monopoly (壟斷)

monopolies (壟斷)

monopolies (壟斷)

monopoly (壟斷)

monopolies (壟斷)

Pokemon (神奇寶貝)

numb (麻木的,麻麻的,沒有感覺的)

respiration (呼吸)

numbness (麻木,麻麻的沒有感覺)

numbness (麻木)

numbness (麻木,麻麻的沒有感覺)

median nerve (正中神經) 湯偉晉編寫的英文字典

area of pain and numbness (疼痛和麻木的部位) 湯偉晉編寫的英文字典

important (重要的)

important (重要的)

importance (重要,重要性)

importance (重要,重要性)

important (重要的)

importance (重要,重要性)

impeachment investigation (彈劾調查)

impeachment inquiry (彈劾探究)
impeachment investigation (彈劾調查)

impeachment inquiry (彈劾探究)

impeachment inquiry (彈劾探究)
impeachment investigation (彈劾調查)

judicial inquiry (司法探究,司法性的探究)

judicial inquiry (司法探究,司法性的探究)

a judicial inquiry into the allegations (對這些指控進行司法探究)

a judicial inquiry into the allegations (對這些指控進行司法探究)

explore (探索)

explore (探索)

inquiry (探究)

What is the difference between inquiry and explore? (探究和探索有什麼不同?)

inquiry (探究)

inquiry (探究)
explore (探索)

What is the difference between inquiry and explore? (探究和探索有什麼不同?)

What is the difference between inquiry and explore? (探究和探索有什麼不同?)

What is the difference between inquiry and explore? (探究和探索有什麼不同?)

What is the difference between inquiry and explore? (探究和探索有什麼不同?)

organic (有機的)

organic compound (有機化合物)

inorganic (無機的)

inorganic compound (無機化合物)

Inorganic Chemistry (無機化學)

inaugural address (就職演說)

inaugural address (就職演說)



Abraham (亞伯拉罕)

Abraham Lincoln (亞伯拉罕.林肯)

Abraham Lincoln (亞伯拉罕.林肯)

Abraham Lincoln (亞伯拉罕.林肯)


Abraham Lincoln (亞伯拉罕.林肯)

出生於: 1809年2月12日,肯塔基州哈汀郡 (Hardin County, Kentucky) 
逝世於: 1865年4月15日,在華盛頓特區內的福特劇院 (Ford's Theatre) 遭人暗殺

以反對奴隸制度聞名的亞伯拉罕林肯 (Abraham Lincoln) 是美國的第16屆總統,他帶領美國渡過內戰時期,而他的精湛口才也充份展露在許多的致詞場合。其中包括他最著名的一場演說,就是蓋茨堡演說。在華盛頓特區的林肯紀念碑上刻了他第二任就職演講中的一段話:「不對他人心懷惡意,對任何人都心存寬容。

Known for his stand against slavery, Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States. He led the country through the Civil War and his eloquence is evident in many speeches including his most famous one, the Gettysburg Address. His second inaugural address, which includes the phrase, "With malice toward none; with charity for all..." is inscribed on one wall of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. 




Lincoln (林肯)

preference saved (喜好的選項已經儲存)

which one is your first choice (哪一個是你的首要的選擇)

which one is your first choice (哪一個是你的首要的選擇)

first choice (首要的選擇)

which one is (哪一個是)

perfect (完美的)

perfect combination (完美的組合)

a perfect combination (一種完美的組合)

enemy (敵人)

common (共同的)

common enemy (共同的敵人)

combination (組合)

combine (結合)

zinc oxide nanoparticle (氧化鋅奈米粒子)

2023年12月27日 星期三

Ophthalmology (眼科)

Ophthalmology (眼科)
ophthalmologist (眼科醫師)

ophthalmologist (眼科醫師)

Ophthalmology (眼科)
ophthalmologist (眼科醫師)

heartburn (心口灼熱,胸口灼熱)

heartburn (心口灼熱,胸口灼熱)

heartburn (心口灼熱,胸口灼熱,胃灼熱)

heartburn (心口灼熱,胸口灼熱,胃灼熱)

heartburn (心口灼熱,胸口灼熱,胃灼熱)

heartburn (胃灼熱)

heartburn (胃灼熱,胸口灼熱)

heartburn (胃灼熱,火燒心,胸口灼熱)

heartburn (胃灼熱,心灼熱,火燒心,胸口灼熱,心口灼熱)

gastroesophageal reflux (胃食道逆流)





gastroesophageal reflux disease (胃食道逆流疾病)

胃食道逆流疾病(gastroesophageal reflux disease, GERD)是指胃內容物逆流入食道下端所引起一系列逆流症狀,或造成食道黏膜組織損害,是一種常見的上消化道動力功能障礙的食道疾病#


gastroesophageal reflux disease (胃食道逆流疾病)

gastroesophageal reflux disease (胃食道逆流疾病)

胃食道逆流疾病(gastroesophageal reflux disease, GERD)是指胃內容物逆流入食道下端所引起一系列逆流症狀,或造成食道黏膜組織損害,是一種常見的上消化道動力功能障礙的食道疾病。


gastroesophageal reflux disease (胃食道逆流疾病)

胃食道逆流疾病(gastroesophageal reflux disease, GERD)是指胃內容物逆流入食道下端所引起一系列逆流症狀,或造成食道黏膜組織損害,是一種常見的上消化道動力功能障礙的食道疾病。

synonym (同義字)

synonyms (同義字)

future (未來;未來的)

event (事件)

future event (未來的事件)

Oryzanol (穀維素)

Gamma Oryzanol (y-穀維素)

Gamma Oryzanol (y-穀維素)

Microsoft Math Solver (微軟數學解題器,微軟數學問題求解器)

Microsoft Math Solver (微軟數學解題器,微軟數學問題求解器)

Microsoft Math Solver (微軟數學解題器,微軟數學問題求解器)

Microsoft Math Solver (微軟數學解題器,微軟數學問題求解器)

Math Solver (數學解題器,數學問題求解器)

Math Solver (數學解題器,數學問題求解器)

Math Solver (數學解題器,數學問題求解器)

Math Solver (數學解題器,數學問題求解器)

metronome (節拍器)

metronome (節拍器)

用 metronome (節拍器) 測量心跳每分鐘跳幾下

用 metronome (節拍器) 測量心跳每分鐘跳幾下


medium (培養基)

culture medium (培養基)

medium (培養基)

petri dish (培養皿)

culture medium (培養基)

culture medium (培養基)

medium (培養基)

petri dish (培養皿)

Mycelium (菌絲體)

chemical (化學的;化學物質)

fumigant (燻蒸劑)

fumigant (燻蒸劑)


fumigant (燻蒸劑)

fumigant: a chemical that produces fumes used to disinfect or purify an area.


chemical weapon (化學武器)

chemical weapon (化學武器)

Chloropicrin (氯化苦,三氯硝基甲烷)

Chloropicrin (氯化苦,三氯硝基甲烷)

Chloropicrin (三氯硝基甲烷,氯化苦)

Chloropicrin (三氯硝基甲烷,氯化苦)

2023年12月26日 星期二

bronchus (支氣管)

left lung (左肺)

left lung and right lung (左肺和右肺)

right lung (右肺)

left lung and right lung (左肺和右肺)

Copper Sulfate PentaHydrate (五水硫酸銅)

Copper Sulfate PentaHydrate (五水硫酸銅)

Copper Sulfate PentaHydrate (五水硫酸銅)

Copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate (五水硫酸銅(II))

Copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate (五水硫酸銅(II))

copper sulfate (硫酸銅)

reversible (可以逆轉的)

reversible (可以逆轉的)

Professor David Sinclair, Harvard Medical School, Harvard University 2022

Is aging reversible?






natural product (天然的產物)

a natural product (一種天然的產物)

oleic acid (油酸)

oleic acid (油酸)

Oleic Acid is a natural product. (油酸是一種天然的產物。)

Oleic Acid is a natural product. (油酸是一種天然的產物。)

worker (工作者)

base station (基地台)

microwave (微波)

antenna (天線)

antenna (天線)

antennas (天線)

orthopedics (骨科)

orthopaedics (骨科)

Orthopedic Surgeon (骨外科醫師)

Orthopedic Surgeon (骨外科醫師)

Orthopaedic Surgeon (骨外科醫師)

orthopaedic surgery (骨外科)

orthopedic surgeon (骨外科)
orthopaedic surgery (骨外科)

orthopedic surgeon (骨外科)

orthopedic surgeon (骨外科)
orthopaedic surgery (骨外科)

Orthopaedic Surgeon (骨外科醫師)

Orthopedic Surgeon (骨外科醫師)

Orthopaedic Surgeon (骨外科醫師)

Orthopaedic Surgeon (骨外科醫師)

Orthopaedic Surgeon (骨外科醫師)

surgeon (外科醫師)

surgery (手術)

surgeon (外科醫師)

surgery (手術)

surgery (手術)

surgeon (外科醫師)

2023年12月24日 星期日

olecranon (鷹嘴突)

olecranon fracture (鷹嘴突骨折)

medial epicondyle (內上髁)

medial epicondyle (內上髁,肱骨滑車)

nerve compression (神經壓迫)

remote sensing (遙測)

remote sensing (遙測,遙感探測)

remote end (遠端)

proximal end (近端)

humerus (肱骨)

Medial Epicondylitis (肱骨內上髁炎)


肱骨內上髁炎(Medial Epicondylitis,俗稱「高爾夫球肘」)


ulnar nerve (尺神經)

cubital tunnel syndrome (肘隧道症候群)

ulnar nerve (尺神經)

cubital tunnel syndrome (肘隧道症候群)

cubital tunnel syndrome (肘隧道症候群)

ulnar nerve (尺神經)


cubital tunnel syndrome (肘隧道症候群)

cubital tunnel syndrome (肘隧道症候群)


肘隧道症候群(cubital tunnel syndrome)是指通過手肘外側的尺神經(ulnar nerve)受到刺激時所產生的一些症狀的通稱,包括手會感覺痛、腫脹、虛弱,或是無名指及小指有麻麻的感覺。 肘隧道症候群在四十歲到六十歲的族群中最常見,女性比男性多。


Lamar Institute of Technology

γ-glutamyltransferase (GGT)



This transaminitis reflects muscle involvement rather than liver disease, and this can be verified by checking the liver-specific transaminase γ-glutamyltransferase (GGT), which will be normal.



transaminase (轉胺酶)


This transaminitis reflects muscle involvement rather than liver disease, and this can be verified by checking the liver-specific transaminase γ-glutamyltransferase (GGT), which will be normal.


village (村莊)

drowsy (嗜睡的,昏昏沉沉想要睡覺的)

drowsy (嗜睡的,昏昏沉沉想要睡覺的)

drowsy (嗜睡的,昏昏沉沉想要睡覺的)

drowsiness (嗜睡,昏昏沉沉想要睡覺)

case law (判例法)

case law (判例法)


判例法(英語:case law),就是以個案判例的形式表現出的法律規範,以遵循先例的法律原則作為其建立的基礎。 簡單而言,作為判例的先例對其後的案件具有法律約束力,可以成為日後法官審判類似案件的基本準則。



2023年12月23日 星期六

2023年12月22日 星期五

2023年12月21日 星期四

WHO (世界衛生組織)

VOI (需留意變異株)

VOI (需留意變異株)



Variant of Interest (需留意變異株)


Variant of Interest (需留意變異株)

Variant of Interest (需留意變異株)

VOI (需留意變異株)


除了5大變異株外,另外若有分支值得關注,就會被列為「需留意變異株」(Variant of Interest, VOI),7月時共有7株,被認為可能會造成嚴重疫情,2021年12月已剩下2株 ...


USB Power Bank (USB 行動電源)

power bank (行動電源)

power bank (行動電源)

power bank (行動電源)

2023年12月19日 星期二

thrombocyte (血小板)

platelet (血小板)
blood platelet (血小板)
thrombocyte (血小板)

blood platelet (血小板)

blood platelet (血小板)
thrombocyte (血小板)

processed food (加工的食品)

natural food and processed food are not the same (天然的食物和加工的食品並不一樣)

natural food (天然的食物)

natural food and processed food are not the same (天然的食物和加工的食品並不一樣)

natural food and processed food are not the same (天然的食物和加工的食品並不一樣)

University of Sydney (雪梨大學)

University of Sydney (雪梨大學)

University of Sydney (雪梨大學)

University of Sydney (雪梨大學)

gymnastics (體操)

gymnastics (體操)

gymnastics: exercises developing or displaying physical agility and coordination. The modern sport of gymnastics typically involves exercises on uneven bars, balance beam, floor, and vaulting horse (for women), and horizontal and parallel bars, rings, floor, and pommel horse (for men).




2023年12月17日 星期日

petition (請願)

petition (請願) 
appeal (上訴)
appeal (申訴,上訴)

YiChao Huang (黃意超)

YiChao Huang

YiChao Huang (黃意超)
YiChao Huang (黃意超 醫師先生)

peristalsis (蠕動)

peristalsis (蠕動)


peristalsis (蠕動)

the involuntary constriction and relaxation of the muscles of the intestine or another canal, creating wave-like movements that push the contents of the canal forward






policy maker (政策制定者)

policy makers (政策制定者們)

WeiJin Tang at Twitter (湯偉晉在推特)

WeiJin Tang at Twitter (湯偉晉在推特)

WeiJin Tang at Twitter (湯偉晉在推特)

2023年12月15日 星期五

negotiate (協商,談判)

negotiation (協商,談判)

Office (辦公室)

Executive Yuan (行政院)

Office of Trade Negotiations, Executive Yuan (行政院經貿談判辦公室)

Office of Trade Negotiations, Executive Yuan (行政院經貿談判辦公室)

Office of Trade Negotiations, Executive Yuan (行政院經貿談判辦公室)

Office of Trade Negotiations, Executive Yuan (行政院經貿談判辦公室)