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2023年5月31日 星期三

melting point (熔點)

iron sulfide blackening (硫化鐵黑變)

iron sulfide (硫化鐵)

Nitrogen Balance (氮平衡)

anabolic (合成代謝的)

Growth Rate (成長率,增長率)

revenue (營收)

Revenue Growth Rate (營收成長率,營收的成長率)

anabolic window (合成代謝的窗口)

absorption spectrum (吸收光譜)

spectrophotometer (分光光度計)

spectrometer (光譜儀)

spectrophotometer (分光光度計)

loyalty test (忠誠測試)

oxidative damage (氧化性損傷)

2023年5月30日 星期二

thiobarbituric acid (硫巴比妥酸)

thiobarbituric acid (硫巴比妥酸)

thiobarbituric acid, TBA (硫巴比妥酸,TBA)

thiobarbituric acid test (硫巴比妥酸試驗)

thiobarbituric acid test (硫巴比妥酸檢測)

thiobarbituric acid (硫巴比妥酸)

thiobarbituric acid, TBA (硫巴比妥酸,TBA)

thiobarbituric acid test (硫巴比妥酸檢測)

hackathon (黑客松)

hackathon (黑客松)



zinc deficiency (缺乏鋅)

zinc deficiency (缺乏鋅)

zinc deficiency (缺乏鋅)

zinc deficiency (缺乏鋅)

2023年5月29日 星期一

Yogurt (優格,酸奶)

edible flowers and plants (可以食用的花草)

edible flowers and plants (可以食用的花草)

edible flowers and plants (可以食用的花草)

edible flowers and plants (可以食用的花草)

Sanna Marin, Prime Minister of Finland (芬蘭總理 桑娜·馬林)

Sanna Marin, Prime Minister of Finland (芬蘭總理 桑娜·馬林)

Sanna Marin (桑娜·馬林)

Prime Minister of Finland (芬蘭總理)

Sanna Marin, Prime Minister of Finland (芬蘭總理 桑娜·馬林)

Sanna Marin, Prime Minister of Finland (芬蘭總理 桑娜·馬林)

Sanna Marin, Prime Minister of Finland (芬蘭總理 桑娜·馬林)

Terms of Service (服務條款)

gynecologic problem (婦科的問題)

gynecologic problem (婦科的問題)

gynecologic problems (婦科的問題)

Gynecology (婦科醫學,婦科)

Gynecology (婦科醫學,婦科)

Gynecology (婦科醫學,婦科)

Gynecology (婦科醫學,婦科)

2023年5月28日 星期日

crash report (當機報告,應用程式的當機報告)

crash report (當機報告)

crash report (應用程式的當機報告)

crash report (當機報告,應用程式的當機報告)

crash report (當機報告,應用程式的當機報告)

crash report (當機報告,應用程式的當機報告)

2023年5月27日 星期六

synovial fluid (滑液)

synoviocyte (滑膜細胞)

National Taipei University (國立臺北大學,國立台北大學)

University of Taipei (臺北市立大學,台北市立大學)

University of Taipei (臺北市立大學,台北市立大學)

Tsing Hua University (清華大學)

supersonic aircraft (超音速飛機)

2023年5月26日 星期五

in vivo (活體內,活體內的)


in vivo: in the living body of a plant or animal


Swiss (瑞士的;瑞士人)

Switzerland (瑞士)
瑞士 (Switzerland)

Swiss (瑞士的;瑞士人)

ETH Zurich (蘇黎世聯邦理工學院)

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (瑞士聯邦理工學院)

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (瑞士聯邦理工學院)

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (瑞士聯邦理工學院)

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (強迫症,強迫性精神官能症)

2023年5月25日 星期四

LSS Target (低空低速的小型目標)

LSS Target

LSS Targets
Low Slow and Small Target



rooftop (屋頂)

a long-abandoned building (一棟廢棄已久的建築物)

a long-abandoned building (一棟廢棄已久的建築物)

long-abandoned (廢棄已久的)

a long-abandoned building (一棟廢棄已久的建築物)

mediated (介導的,介導性的,居中斡旋的,居中調節的,居中調解的)

theorem (定理)

theory (理論)

theory (理論)
theorem (定理)

unsubstantiated (未經證實的)

unsubstantiated (未經證實的)

unsubstantiated theory (未經證實的理論)

unsubstantiated theory (未經證實的理論)

unsubstantiated theory (未經證實的理論)

unsubstantiated theory (未經證實的理論)

a plausible but unsubstantiated theory (一個似乎言之有理但是未經證實的理論;一個聽起來有點道理但是未經證實的理論)

a plausible but unsubstantiated theory (一個似乎言之有理但是未經證實的理論)

a plausible but unsubstantiated theory (一個聽起來有點道理但是未經證實的理論)

a plausible but unsubstantiated theory (一個似乎言之有理但是未經證實的理論;一個聽起來有點道理但是未經證實的理論)

carpet (地毯)

blanket and carpet (毯子和地毯)

blanket (毯子,毛毯)

blanket and carpet (毯子和地毯)

blanket and carpet (毯子和地毯)

that’s exactly the problem (那正是問題之所在)

unsubstantiated claim (未經證實的宣稱)

unsubstantiated claim (未經證實的宣稱)

unsubstantiated claims (未經證實的宣稱)

beer belly (啤酒肚)

beer belly (啤酒肚)

Mr. Lee Kuan Yew (李光耀先生)

People's Action Party, Singapore (人民行動黨,新加坡)


LEE Kuan Yew (李光耀)

Lee, Kuan Yew (李光耀)

Mr. Lee, Kuan Yew (李光耀先生)

Wheat Germ Oil (小麥胚芽油)

People's Action Party (人民行動黨)

People's Action Party, Singapore (人民行動黨,新加坡)

observation (觀察)

clinical (臨床的)

clinical observation (臨床觀察)

desirable (想要的,渴望獲得的,令人嚮往的,值得擁有的)

feasible (可行的)

proper respect (適當的尊重)

proper respect (適當的尊重)

proper respect (適當的尊重)

proper respect (適當的尊重)

2023年5月24日 星期三

cutaneous Glutathione (皮膚中的穀胱甘肽)

subcutaneous injection (皮下注射)

intramuscular injection (肌肉注射)

lithium (鋰)

lithium atom (鋰原子)

lithium atom (鋰原子)

Warburg effect

Systemic Enzyme (系統性酵素)

Systemic Enzyme (系統性酵素)

Systemic Enzymes (系統性酵素)

Governing Decision

Governing Decision




2023年5月23日 星期二

Why is that? (為什麼會那樣?)

Special Counsel Jack Smith

Special Counsel Jack Smith

On November 18, 2022, Jack Smith was appointed by Attorney General Merrick B. Garland to serve as the Special Counsel by Order No. 5559-2022.




Special Counsel Jack Smith

On November 18, 2022, Jack Smith was appointed by Attorney General Merrick B. Garland to serve as the Special Counsel by Order No. 5559-2022.


如果由 美國司法部部長 (Attorney General Merrick B. Garland, Department of Justice, USA) 所指派的 Special Counsel Jack Smith 確實有負責並且盡心盡力地去調查,美國前總統川普先生,所涉及的相關案件;那麼『善有善報,惡有惡報』的時候可能就即將要到了。

湯偉晉 親筆寫於





Yoga (瑜珈,瑜伽)

Yoga (瑜珈,瑜伽)

源自於印度的 Yoga (瑜珈,瑜伽)

Namibia University of Science and Technology (納米比亞科技大學)

Namibia University of Science and Technology (納米比亞科技大學)

Namibia University of Science and Technology, Namibia (納米比亞科技大學,納米比亞)


The beneficial effects of N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) against obesity associated complications: A systematic review of pre-clinical studies


Namibia (納米比亞)

Namibia University of Science and Technology, Namibia (納米比亞科技大學,納米比亞)

Namibia University of Science and Technology, Namibia (納米比亞科技大學,納米比亞)

South Africa (南非)

2023年5月22日 星期一

remodeling (重塑,重新塑造)

kinin (激肽)

cytokinin (細胞分裂素)

cytokinin (細胞分裂素)

cytokinin: any of various plant growth substances that are usually derivatives of adenine

kininase: an enzyme in blood that destroys a kinin

kinin: any of various polypeptide hormones that are formed locally in the tissues and cause dilation of blood vessels and contraction of smooth muscle

Hiroshima (廣島)

G7 Summit held in Hiroshima, Japan (G7高峰會在日本廣島舉行)

G7 Summit (G7高峰會)

G7 Summit held in Hiroshima, Japan (G7高峰會在日本廣島舉行)

Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. (基輔是烏克蘭的首都。)

Kyiv (基輔)

Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. (基輔是烏克蘭的首都。)

free (自由的;免費的)

a free country (一個自由的國家)

in a free country (在一個自由的國家)

peace (和平)

referendum (公投,全民公投)

complain (抱怨;控告)

complaint (告訴)

complaint (告訴)

complaint (抱怨;告訴)

duo (二人組,二重奏,二重唱)

Recall Notice (召回通知)

Recall Notice (召回通知)

Recall Notice (召回通知)  湯偉晉編寫的英文字典

Recall Notice (召回通知)  湯偉晉編寫的英文字典

2023年5月21日 星期日

Negative Cost Exchange Ratio

Negative Cost Exchange Ratio

Negative Cost Exchange Ratio

Negative Cost Exchange Ratio

backend (後端的)

server (伺服器)

backend server (後端伺服器)

heartbeat (心跳)

system default (系統的預設值,系統的預設選項)

positron emission tomography (正子造影)

2023年5月20日 星期六

inrush current (湧浪電流)

circuit design (電路設計)

mental acuity (神智敏銳度)

hot dog (熱狗)

Schmidt trigger circuit (施密特觸發電路)

Schmidt trigger (施密特觸發器)

source (源極)

common source (共源極)

That is not the law. (法律並不是那樣規定的。)

That is not the law. (法律並不是那樣的。) 

That is not the law. (法律並不是那樣規定的。)

That is not the law. (法律並不是那樣的。;法律並不是那樣規定的。)

drain (汲極)

common drain (共汲極)

field effect transistor (場效電晶體)

field effect transistor (場效電晶體)

field effect transistor (場效電晶體)

insane (荒唐的,瘋狂的)

study (學習)

study (學習,研究)

study (研究)

animal model (動物模式)

animal model study (動物模式的研究)

phosphate (磷酸鹽)

Trends in Molecular Medicine (分子醫學的發展趨勢)

Trends in Molecular Medicine (分子醫學的發展趨勢)

《Trends in Molecular Medicine 分子醫學的發展趨勢》

《Trends in Molecular Medicine 分子醫學的發展趨勢》是一本國際知名的學術期刊,專注在分子醫學相關的研究以及相關科學和科技上的發展趨勢。



Active form of Vitamin B6

2023年5月19日 星期五

wind (風)

turbine (渦輪機)

wind turbine (風力發電機,風力渦輪機)

My childhood dream comes true! (我童年的夢想成真了!)

childhood dream (童年的夢想)

get a bottle of water (拿一瓶水)

You can buy a drink there. (你可以在那裡買杯飲料。)


Europe (歐洲)

launcher (發射器)

euro (歐元)

2023年5月18日 星期四

autocrine (自泌,自體分泌)

gel (凝膠)

gel electrophoresis (凝膠電泳)

electrophoresis (電泳)

spermatocyte (精母細胞)

primary spermatocyte (初級精母細胞)

varicocele (精索靜脈曲張)

varicocele (精索靜脈曲張)





Role of Oxidative Stress in varicocele (精索靜脈曲張) PY2022 IR94 IR95 Glutathione 不孕症


Air Defense System (防空系統)

spermatogonium (精原細胞)

spermatogonia (精原細胞) 複數型,spermatogonium (精原細胞) 單數型 英文字典的素材

spermatogonia (精原細胞)

spermatogonium (精原細胞) 單數型

spermatogonia (精原細胞) 複數型

spermatogonia (精原細胞):a primitive male germ cell

spermatogonia (精原細胞)

spermatogonia (精原細胞) 複數型,spermatogonium (精原細胞) 單數型 英文字典的素材

spermatogonia (精原細胞)

spermatogonium (精原細胞) 單數型

spermatogonia (精原細胞) 複數型

spermatogonia (精原細胞):a primitive male germ cell

gene expression deregulation (基因表現的失調)

gene expression deregulation (基因表現的失調)


gene expression deregulation (基因表現的失調)

註解:調節 基因表現 的系統出現異常或是錯誤。



gene expression deregulation starts in middle age





pineal gland (松果腺)

pineal gland (松果腺)

melatonin (褪黑激素)
褪黑激素 (melatonin)

pineal gland (松果腺)

body recomposition (身體重組)

gene expression (基因表現)

gene expression
gene expression (
基因表現 (gene expression)

gene expression profile (基因表現的圖譜,基因表現圖譜)

gene expression profile (基因表現的圖譜,基因表現圖譜)

We will take the city back. (我們會把這個都市拿回來。)

We will take the city back. But at what cost, we don't know. (我們會把這個都市拿回來。但是以什麼樣的代價,我們並不知道。)

We will take the city back. But at what cost, we don't know. (我們會把這個都市拿回來。但是以什麼樣的代價,我們並不知道。)

But at what cost, we don't know. (但是以什麼樣的代價,我們並不知道。)

We will take the city back. But at what cost, we don't know. (我們會把這個都市拿回來。但是以什麼樣的代價,我們並不知道。)

We will take the city back. But at what cost, we don't know. (我們會把這個都市拿回來。但是以什麼樣的代價,我們並不知道。)

Presidential Leadership (總統的領導風範)

Presidential Leadership (總統的領導風範)

湯偉晉親自翻譯(英翻中)的文字內容 2023-0519

#湯偉晉親自翻譯(英翻中)的文字內容 2023-0519

presidential (總統的)

pardon (特赦)

presidential pardon (總統的特赦)

edge detection (邊緣偵測)

satellite image (衛星圖像)

detection (偵測)

building (建築物)

building (建築物)

buildings (建築物)

mighty (強而有力的,強大的)

aberrant behavior (異常的行為)

Professor of Ophthalmology (眼科的教授)

distribution channel (配銷的通路)

marketing channel (行銷的通路)

NRF2 pathway

Give me your hand. (把你的手給我。)

tourniquet (止血帶)

soldier (士兵)

wounded (受傷的)

wounded soldier (受傷的士兵)

field hospital (野戰醫院)

2023年5月17日 星期三

How is this different? (這有什麼不同?)

vascular plant (維管束植物)

blue algae (藍藻)

blue algae (藍藻)

green algae (綠藻)

brown algae (褐藻)

blue green algae (藍綠藻)

green algae (綠藻)

blue algae (藍藻)

green algae (綠藻)

brown algae (褐藻)

blue green algae (藍綠藻)

brown algae (褐藻)

blue algae (藍藻)

green algae (綠藻)

brown algae (褐藻)

blue green algae (藍綠藻)

blue green algae (藍綠藻)

blue algae (藍藻)

green algae (綠藻)

brown algae (褐藻)

blue green algae (藍綠藻)

citizen (公民)

citizen (公民)

citizenry (全體公民)

citizenry (全體公民)

citizen (公民)

citizenry (全體公民)

hindsight (後見之明)

foresight (先見之明,遠見)

hindsight (後見之明)

insight (高見,洞見,深刻的見解)

insights (高見,洞見,深刻的見解)

foresight (先見之明)

foresight (先見之明,遠見)

hindsight (後見之明)

insight (高見,洞見,深刻的見解)

insights (高見,洞見,深刻的見解)

puppet government (傀儡政府)

2023年5月16日 星期二













湯偉晉 親筆寫於










Declaration of Independence (獨立宣言)

Professor Cheng-Feng Shih (施正鋒教授)

Cheng-Feng Shih (施正鋒)

Professor Cheng-Feng Shih (施正鋒教授)

Professor Cheng-Feng Shih (施正鋒教授)

Patriot Air Defense System (愛國者防空系統)

Patriot Air Defense System (愛國者防空系統)

Patriot Air Defense System (愛國者防空系統)

Patriot Air Defense System (愛國者防空系統)

predicament (困境,窘境)

The predicament of Taiwan’s democratic consolidation



Directorate-General of Personnel Administration, Executive Yuan (行政院人事行政總處)

Directorate-General of Personnel Administration, Executive Yuan (行政院人事行政總處)

Directorate-General of Personnel Administration, Executive Yuan (行政院人事行政總處)

Directorate-General of Personnel Administration, Executive Yuan (行政院人事行政總處)