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2024年5月30日 星期四

AMP-activated protein kinase

AMP-activated protein kinase

AMPK is the abbreviation for AMP-activated protein kinase. This protein functions like a sensor and detects the energy levels inside a cell (ATP levels). AMPK activates target proteins when the energy level in the cell is low. It transmits the information about the low energy status of the cell and sends intracellular signals to increase energy production and halt cell division.



p53 is known as the ‘cancer suppressing gene’ because it stops unrestricted repeated cell division, thus preventing a cell from becoming cancerous. It also plays a key role in bringing about senescence, whereby cells lose their ability to divide. When the cell has low energy, p53 is activated by AMPK and stops cell division.

A newly discovered anti-senescence function of Vitamin B2
Mechanism revealed by which the vitamin fixes age-related decline in mitochondrial function

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Info cited on 2024-05-31-WD5 (
資訊引用於 中華民國113年西元2024531) by 湯偉晉 (WeiJin Tang)

