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2022年12月27日 星期二

signal transduction (訊號轉導)

signal transduction
signal transduction (
訊號轉導 (signal transduction)

signal transduction
The process by which a cell responds to substances outside the cell through signaling molecules found on the surface of and inside the cell. Most molecules that lead to signal transduction are chemical substances, such as hormones (
荷爾蒙), neurotransmitters (神經傳導物質), and growth factors (生長因子), that bind to a specific protein receptor (signaling molecule) on or in a cell. The signals are then passed from one molecule to another inside the cell, which results in a specific cell response, such as cell division or cell death. Signal transduction is important for cells to grow and work normally. Cells that have abnormal signaling molecules may become cancer cells. Also called cell signaling.



