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2016年11月21日 星期一

YuShan National Park (玉山國家公園)

YuShan National Park
YuShan National Park (玉山國家公園)
玉山國家公園 (YuShan National Park)

Yushan National Park Rangers
Yushan National Park Rangers (玉山國家公園管理處)
玉山國家公園管理處 (Yushan National Park Rangers)


What is a Park Ranger?

Park ranger is a broad term for a career that is incredibly multi-faceted and diverse. Park rangers are responsible for protecting our state and national parks; the natural resources, ecosystems, and wildlife within them; and the people who visit them. Park rangers may serve as law enforcement officers, environmental experts, historians or a combination of the three.

Park rangers, who generally work for municipal parks departments, state parks systems or for the National Park Service (NPS), may have job duties that primarily encompass law enforcement or protective services, or they may perform duties specific to the interpretation of cultural or historic points of interest within the parks they serve. Depending on the role, they may focus on enforcing park rules and regulations, or they may spend the better part of their day assisting visitors, giving group tours and presenting visitor programs.
Source (資訊來源):
Info cited on 2016-11-21-WD1 (資訊引用於 中華民國1051121) by 湯偉晉 (WeiJin Tang)


