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2023年3月30日 星期四



chronic fatigue syndrome, CFS (慢性疲勞症候群)




chronic fatigue syndrome (慢性疲勞症候群)

chronic fatigue syndrome (慢性疲勞症候群)

chronic fatigue syndrome, CFS (慢性疲勞症候群)

Manhattan grand jury has voted to indict Donald Trump (曼哈頓大陪審團 投票決定 要起訴 唐納德 川普)

Manhattan grand jury has voted to indict Donald Trump (曼哈頓大陪審團 投票決定 要起訴 唐納德 川普)

Manhattan grand jury has voted to indict Donald Trump (曼哈頓大陪審團 投票決定 要起訴 唐納德 川普)

Manhattan grand jury has voted to indict Donald Trump (曼哈頓大陪審團 投票決定 要起訴 唐納德 川普)

Johns Hopkins Hospital (約翰霍普金斯 醫院)

約翰霍普金斯 醫院(The Johns Hopkins Hospital, JHH)

Glory to Ukraine (榮耀歸於烏克蘭)

 Glory to Ukraine


Glory to Ukraine (榮耀歸於烏克蘭)

Glory (榮耀)



Glory (榮耀)

Glory to Ukraine


感謝 Bob Ace (包伯.耶斯) 提供的資訊

感謝 Bob Ace (包伯.耶斯) 提供的資訊

allicin (大蒜素,蒜素)

allicin (大蒜素,蒜素) [湯偉晉編寫的英文字典]
allicin (大蒜素,蒜素) [湯偉晉編寫的英文字典]

allicin (大蒜素,蒜素) [湯偉晉編寫的英文字典]

Bob Ace (包伯.耶斯)

Bob Ace (包伯.耶斯)

感謝 Bob Ace (包伯.耶斯) 提供的資訊

2023年3月29日 星期三

stethoscope (聽診器)

Ethylene Oxide (環氧乙烷)

Ethylene Oxide (環氧乙烷)

Ethylene Oxide (環氧乙烷) 湯偉晉編寫的英文字典

Ethylene Oxide (環氧乙烷) 湯偉晉編寫的英文字典


環氧乙烷(ethylene oxide, EO) 是一種人工合成的小分子氣體,具有消毒和滅菌的作用,可用於一些不能耐受高溫消毒的物品,因此在醫療、農業、食品業等領域有廣泛的應用。


waste water (廢水)

RSA Encryption (RSA 加密)

RSA Encryption (RSA 加密)

RSA Encryption (RSA 加密)

RSA Encryption (RSA 加密)

Severe Cutaneous Adverse Reaction (嚴重的皮膚不良反應)

Severe Cutaneous Adverse Reaction (嚴重的皮膚不良反應)

Severe Cutaneous Adverse Reactions (嚴重的皮膚不良反應)

Severe Cutaneous Adverse Reactions,SCARs


adverse event following immunization (預防接種之後的不良事件)

adverse event following immunization, AEFI (預防接種之後的不良事件)

預防接種之後的不良事件 (adverse event following immunization, AEFI)

預防接種之後的不良事件 (adverse event following immunization, AEFI)

side effect (副作用)

vector space (向量空間)

host cell (宿主細胞)

electronic device (電子裝置)

hint (提示)

indistinguishable differences (難以區分的差異)

military equipment (軍事裝備)

2023年3月28日 星期二

nuclear (核子的)

weapon (武器)

minutiae (細微末節,枝微末節)

Holography (全像術)

D.C. (哥倫比亞特區)

District of Columbia (哥倫比亞特區)

D.C. (District of Columbia (哥倫比亞特區))
District of Columbia (哥倫比亞特區)

District of Columbia (哥倫比亞特區)

District of Columbia (哥倫比亞特區)

D.C. (District of Columbia (哥倫比亞特區))
District of Columbia (哥倫比亞特區)

Forward Party

Forward Party


Forward Party

Forward Party


ammunition depot (彈藥庫)

diplomatic relation (外交關係)

diplomatic relation (外交關係)

diplomatic relations (外交關係)

idea (點子,主意)

idea (點子,主意)

idea (點子,主意)

diplomatic recognition (外交承認)

2023年3月27日 星期一

practice makes perfect (熟能生巧)

Loma Linda University (羅馬琳達大學)

Loma Linda University (羅馬琳達大學)


陳健行醫師先生,師大附中341班 2023-0227

Loma Linda University (羅馬琳達大學)

羅馬琳達大學(英語:Loma Linda University)是基督復臨安息日會創辦的一所大學,位於美國加州羅馬琳達。成立於1905年。


2023年3月26日 星期日

Genetics (遺傳學)

Epigenetics (表觀遺傳學)

Epigenetics (
表觀遺傳學 (Epigenetics)

Epigenome (
表觀基因組 (Epigenome)

ice cream (冰淇淋)

picometer (皮米)



Do It Yourself (自己動手做)
Do It Yourself, DIY (自己動手做)




Do It Yourself, DIY (自己動手做)

Do It Yourself (自己動手做)

Do It Yourself, DIY (自己動手做)

DIY (自己動手做)

Do It Yourself (自己動手做)

Do It Yourself, DIY (自己動手做)

Do It Yourself (自己動手做)

Do It Yourself (自己動手做)

Do It Yourself, DIY (自己動手做)

nodule (結節)

bone (骨骼,骨頭)

muscle (肌肉)

tendon (肌腱)

ligament (韌帶)

bone (骨骼,骨頭)

landmark (地標)

Washington Monument (華盛頓紀念碑)

Monument (紀念碑)

in-depth tour (深度旅遊)

patellar tendon (髕腱)

2023年3月25日 星期六

oral mucosa (口腔黏膜)

口腔黏膜(oral mucosa). 又稱為oral mucous membrane,是位在口腔的內襯上皮。 

invader (侵略者)

student (學生)

take notes (做筆記)

Knowledge Panel (知識面板)

public domain software (公用軟體,公用領域的軟體)

public domain software (公用軟體,公用領域的軟體)

public domain software (公用軟體,公用領域的軟體)

2023年3月24日 星期五

Orexin System

Role of Vitamin E and the Orexin System in Neuroprotection

Role of Vitamin E and the Orexin System in Neuroprotection

microglia activation


chromanol ring

University of Heidelberg (海德堡大學)

Prime Minister of Finland (芬蘭總理)

Prime Minister of Finland (芬蘭總理)

Prime Minister of Finland (芬蘭總理)

Prime Minister of Finland (芬蘭總理)

political figure (政治人物)

political figure (政治人物)

political figures (政治人物)

political figures (政治人物)

political figure (政治人物)

political figures (政治人物)

## 2023-0325

political figure (政治人物)

political figures (政治人物)

中華民國國父 孫中山先生 的遺囑;安慶女中月刊,西元1934年中華民國23年;資訊來源:University of Heidelberg (海德堡大學),德國;湯偉晉編寫的英文字典

資訊來源 2023-0325:



polonium (釙)

polonium and uranium (釙和鈾)

polonium and uranium (釙和鈾)

uranium (鈾)

polonium and uranium (釙和鈾)

polonium and uranium (釙和鈾)

special grand jury (特別大陪審團)

special grand jury (特別大陪審團)

special purpose grand jury (特別大陪審團)

Tourette syndrome (妥瑞症候群,妥瑞氏症)

Tourette syndrome (妥瑞症候群,妥瑞氏症)

研究的主題_Tourette syndrome (妥瑞症候群,妥瑞氏症) 2023-0325 

研究的主題_Tourette syndrome (妥瑞症候群,妥瑞氏症) 2023-0325 

This is not a medical advice, rather my personal experience. (這並不是一個醫學的建議,而是我的個人經驗。)

She is an introvert. (她是一個內向的人。)

She is an introvert. (她是一個內向的人。)

She is an introvert. (她是一個內向的人。) 湯偉晉編寫的英文字典

Holy Grail (聖杯)

This case is complex, but it's not complicated. (這個案件很繁雜,但是它並不複雜。)

This case is complex, but it's not complicated. (這個案件很繁雜,但是它並不複雜。)

This case is complex, but it's not complicated. (這個案件很繁雜,但是它並不複雜。)

This case is complex, but it's not complicated. (這個案件很繁雜,但是它並不複雜。)

2023年3月23日 星期四

ambulance (救護車)

ambulance (救護車)

paramedic (護理人員,醫務助理人員)

paramedic (護理人員,醫務助理人員)

ambulance (救護車)

paramedic (護理人員,醫務助理人員)

political enemy (政敵)

political enemy (政敵) political enemies (政敵)

political enemy (政敵) political enemies (政敵)

political enemies (政敵)

political enemies (政敵)
political enemies (政敵)

political enemies (政敵) political enemies (政敵)

but it turned out that in the very beginning (但是情況顯示在最早一開始的時候)

but it turned out that in the very beginning (但是情況顯示在最早一開始的時候)

but it turned out that in the very beginning (但是情況顯示在最早一開始的時候)

joint statement (聯合聲明)



Air Dominance (制空權)

air superiority (空中優勢)

air superiority (空中優勢)

air superiority (空中優勢)

homeostasis (體內恆定)

Redox Homeostasis

Glutathione “Redox Homeostasis” and Its Relation to Cardiovascular Disease


2023年3月21日 星期二

Yamagata University (山形大學)

Office of the President (總統辦公室)

Office of the President, The Republic of China (中華民國總統府)

Office of the President, The Republic of China (Taiwan) (中華民國總統府(台灣))

Office of the President, The Republic of China (Taiwan) (中華民國總統府(台灣))

Presidential Palace of the Republic of China (中華民國總統府)

Presidential Palace (南京總統府)

tonicity (張力,滲壓性)

tonicity (張力,滲壓性)

tonicity (張力,滲壓性) 湯偉晉編寫的英文字典

tonicity (張力,滲壓性)

tonicity (張力,滲壓性) 湯偉晉編寫的英文字典

2023年3月20日 星期一

civil war (內戰)

civil war
civil war (
內戰 (civil war)

civil war (

University of Oxford (牛津大學)

University of Oxford
University of Oxford (
牛津大學 (University of Oxford)

Lincoln College
Lincoln College (
林肯學院 (Lincoln College)

Lincoln College, University of Oxford
Lincoln College, University of Oxford (
牛津大學林肯學院 (Lincoln College, University of Oxford)

University of Oxford (牛津大學)
University of Oxford (牛津大學)

length (長度)

wave (波,波動)

thermocouple (熱電偶)

electric field (電場)

electromagnetic field (電磁場)

physical database design (實體性的資料庫設計)

logical database design (邏輯性的資料庫設計)

physical database design (實體性的資料庫設計)

logical database design (邏輯性的資料庫設計)

logical database design (邏輯性的資料庫設計)

physical database design (實體性的資料庫設計)

Electromagnetism (電磁學)

wavelength (波長)

numerical aperture (數值孔徑)

victory (勝利)

U.S. Pacific Fleet (美國太平洋艦隊)

U.S. Pacific Fleet (美國太平洋艦隊)

U.S. Pacific Fleet (美國太平洋艦隊)

U.S. Pacific Fleet (美國太平洋艦隊)

operational performance (經營績效)

Operational performance has become widely accepted as a critical success factor for companies across many industries. It is best described as the level at which all business units in an organization work together to achieve core business goals.

electronic device (電子設備)

display (陳列;顯示器)

monitor (顯示器,電腦的顯示器)

monitor (顯示器,監視器;監控,監視)

Infrared Touch Screen (紅外線觸控螢幕)

Electronics Industry (電子產業)

flat panel display (平面顯示器)

Keep in touch (保持聯絡)

Artificial Intelligence (人工智慧)

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (機器學習與人工智慧)

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence


Machine Learning (機器學習)

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (機器學習與人工智慧)

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence


Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (機器學習與人工智慧)

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (機器學習與人工智慧)

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence


2023年3月19日 星期日

University of Vermont (佛蒙特大學)

profit (利潤)

profit (利潤)

prophet (先知)

profit (利潤)


profit (利潤)

prophet (先知)

South China Sea (南中國海,南海)

Strategic Significance (戰略重要性)

Strategic Significance of the South China Sea (南中國海的戰略重要性)

Strategic Significance of the South China Sea (南中國海的戰略重要性)

Strategic Significance of the South China Sea (南中國海的戰略重要性)

Hakka mochi (客家麻糬)

pig blood rice cake (豬血糕)

playbook (劇本)

I wrote the playbook. (劇本是我寫的。)

I wrote the playbook. (劇本是我寫的。)

I wrote the playbook. (劇本是我寫的。)

2023年3月17日 星期五

hamster (倉鼠)

hamster (倉鼠)

hamster (倉鼠) 湯偉晉編寫的英文字典

hamster (倉鼠) 湯偉晉編寫的英文字典

eavesdrop (偷聽,竊聽)

eavesdrop (偷聽,竊聽)

eaves (屋簷)

overhear (無意中聽到)

overhear (無意中聽到)

overheard (無意中聽到)

overheard (無意中聽到)

overhear (無意中聽到)

overheard (無意中聽到)

eaves (屋簷)

Are you kidding me? (你是在跟我開玩笑嗎?)

I kid you not. (我不是和你開玩笑的。)

When did you move here? (你什麼時候搬來這裡?)

When did you move here? (你什麼時候搬來這裡?) 湯偉晉編寫的英文

When did you move here? (你什麼時候搬來這裡?) 湯偉晉編寫的英文字典

incontinence (失禁;失禁:無法自主地控制大便或是小便的排放)

urinary incontinence (尿失禁)

incontinence (失禁;失禁:無法自主地控制大便或是小便的排放)

urinary incontinence (尿失禁)

urinary incontinence (尿失禁)

incontinence (失禁;失禁:無法自主地控制大便或是小便的排放)

2023年3月16日 星期四

Gregory University

Gregory University
Gregory University, Nigeria

Gregory University
Gregory University, Nigeria

University of Lagos

University of Lagos, Nigeria

University of Lagos, Nigeria

Silicon (矽)

Silicon atom
Silicon atom (
矽原子 (Silicon atom)

Silicon chip
Silicon chip (
矽晶片 (Silicon chip)


Silicon (


Silicon chip (矽晶片)

Silicon atom
Silicon atom (
矽原子 (Silicon atom)

Silicon chip
Silicon chip (
矽晶片 (Silicon chip)


Silicon (


Silicon atom (矽原子)

Silicon atom
Silicon atom (
矽原子 (Silicon atom)

Silicon chip
Silicon chip (
矽晶片 (Silicon chip)


Silicon (
