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2016年5月28日 星期六

Google Voice phone number used by WeiJin Tang;湯偉晉先生在美國華盛頓特區,聖地牙哥市,舊金山市;_WJD.2015-0523_

Associated Gmail account

湯偉晉先生在美國舊金山市;仔細觀察 認真學習 用心思考 持續研究 不斷創新 永續發展 人道關懷 行善天下

Google Voice phone number (415) 857-5287 at San Francisco used by [WeiJin.Tang@gmail.com];_WJD_2015-0523_V001R01_IR00_.docx

Associated Gmail account
湯偉晉先生在美國聖地牙哥市;仔細觀察 認真學習 用心思考 持續研究 不斷創新 永續發展 人道關懷 行善天下
Google Voice phone number (858) 633-6089 at San Diego used by [WJ.at.PDA@gmail.com];_WJD_2015-0523_V001R01_IR00_.docx

Associated Gmail account
湯偉晉先生在美國華盛頓特區;仔細觀察 認真學習 用心思考 持續研究 不斷創新 永續發展 人道關懷 行善天下
Google Voice phone number (908) 652-3667 at Washington D.C., New Jersey, used by [Tang.WeiJin@ygmail.com];_WJD_2015-0523_V001R01_IR00_.docx

erratic (飄忽不定的)

erratic (飄忽不定的)

It is very annoying while you are doing a fast-typing job.
當你正在做一個快速打字的工作時, 這會讓人覺得很煩。

While you are typing in your laptop or notebook your hands sometimes touch the touchpad unknowingly, results erratic cursor movement. Then you may find that the lines of text mysteriously intertwined. It is very annoying while you are doing a fast-typing job. To overcome this type of problem you may need to disable the touchpad while typing.

erroneous (錯誤的)

erroneous (錯誤的)


learner permit (學習駕照)

learner permit
learner permit (學習駕照)
學習駕照 (learner permit)

provisional driver license (臨時駕照)

provisional driver license
provisional driver license (臨時駕照)
臨時駕照 (provisional driver license)