selfless (無私的)
selfish (自私的)
unselfish (不自私的)
Sentence ID 001: The terms selfless and unselfish are often used interchangeably, but there are subtle differences in their nuances.
(無私(selfless)和 不自私(unselfish)這兩個詞經常被互換使用,但它們在細微之處有些許差異。)
Sentence ID 002: Here's a breakdown:
### Selfless
Sentence ID 003: Meaning: Selflessness refers to a complete disregard for one's own interests or needs in favor of others.
(含義:無私 指的是完全不顧自己的利益或需求,而是以他人為重。)
Sentence ID 004: It often implies a deep, enduring commitment to helping others, even at personal cost.
Sentence ID 005: A selfless person may prioritize the welfare of others over their own desires, sometimes in extraordinary ways.
Sentence ID 006: Nuance: Selflessness is often viewed as a higher or more virtuous quality, associated with great acts of generosity, sacrifice, or altruism.
(細微的差異:無私 通常被認為是一種更高尚或更有美德的特質,與偉大的慷慨、犧牲或利他行為有關。)
Sentence ID 007: Example: "Her selfless actions saved many lives during the crisis."
### Unselfish
Sentence ID 008: Meaning: Unselfish means not being selfish — a person who is not concerned solely with their own benefit or advantage.
(含義:不自私 的意思是沒有自私 —— 即一個不僅僅是關心自身利益或優勢的人。)
Sentence ID 009: It is more commonly used to describe everyday acts of consideration, kindness, or generosity.
Sentence ID 010: Nuance: Unselfishness is generally seen as a positive trait, but it doesn't necessarily imply the extreme or heroic sacrifices that selflessness often connotes.
(細微的差異:不自私 通常被視為一種積極的特質,但它不一定包含 無私 常暗示的極端或英雄式犧牲。)
Sentence ID 011: It’s more about the absence of selfishness.
Sentence ID 012: Example: "He was unselfish in sharing his lunch with others."
### Key Differences
Sentence ID 013: Intensity: Selfless can imply a deeper, more intense commitment to others, sometimes at personal cost.
(強度:無私 可能暗示對他人更深、更強烈的承諾,有時需要付出個人代價。)
Sentence ID 014: Unselfish is a more general term and refers to the absence of selfishness.
Sentence ID 015: Scope: Selflessness may involve large, significant acts or sacrifices, whereas unselfishness can describe smaller, more everyday actions.
Sentence ID 016: Context: Selfless is often used to describe acts of significant altruism, while unselfish is more commonly used to describe an attitude or behavior in everyday situations.
(語境:無私 通常用來描述具有重大 利他主義 的行為,而 不自私 則更常用來描述日常情境中的態度或行為。)
### Example Sentences
Sentence ID 017: Selfless: "Her selfless dedication to the cause inspired everyone around her."
Sentence ID 018: Unselfish: "He is unselfish in his willingness to help, always thinking of others first."
(中文由 ChatGPT 負責翻譯)##