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2022年7月30日 星期六





Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions


Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)


Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)

invade (侵入,入侵)

invade (
侵入,入侵 (invade)

【動詞】invade (侵入,入侵)


invasion (
入侵 (invasion)

【名詞】invasion (入侵)

invasion (入侵)

invade (
侵入,入侵 (invade)



invasion (
入侵 (invasion)


aggression (侵擾,侵犯,侵略)

aggression (
侵擾,侵犯,侵略 (aggression)

military action (軍事行動)

military action
military action (
軍事行動 (military action)

syntax (語法)

syntax (
語法 (syntax)

Western University of Health Sciences

Western University of Health Sciences

Western University of Health Sciences, Pomona, CA, United States

unexpected (沒有預期的)

unexpected (沒有預期的)

unexpected (沒有事先預期的)

unnecessary information (不需要的資訊)

Do’t include (不要包含)

unnecessary (不需要的)

Do’t include unnecessary information (不要包含不需要的資訊)

Do’t include unnecessary information (不要包含不需要的資訊)

request for (請求)

ask for (要求)

clarification (澄清)

ask for clarification (要求澄清)

request for clarification (請求澄清)

request for clarification (請求澄清)

personal opinion (個人意見,個人的意見)

2022年7月29日 星期五

strike (打擊;罷工)

aggressiveness (侵略性)

About the aggressiveness of the PRC (關於中華人民共和國的侵略性)

About the aggressiveness of the PRC (關於中華人民共和國的侵略性)

Betanin (甜菜色素,甜菜苷)

Betanin (甜菜苷)

Betanin (甜菜色素)

Betanin (甜菜色素,甜菜苷)

organic acid


organic acid (有機酸)

ascorbic acid (抗壞血酸)

ascorbic acid


ascorbic acid (抗壞血酸)

malic acid (蘋果酸)

malic acid


malic acid (蘋果酸)

organic acid (有機酸)

organic acid


organic acid (有機酸)

Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)

physical phenomena (物理現象)

physical phenomenon physical phenomena (物理現象)

physical phenomenon physical phenomena (物理現象)

physical phenomenon physical phenomena (物理現象)

physical phenomenon (物理現象)

physical phenomenon physical phenomena (物理現象)

physical phenomenon physical phenomena (物理現象)

2022年7月27日 星期三


An Uncommon Oxygen-Reacting Center

An Uncommon Oxygen-Reacting Center

crystal structure

DNA mismatch repair

dessert (甜點)

dessert (甜點)

desert (沙漠)
dessert (甜點)

desert (沙漠)

desert (沙漠)

dessert (甜點)

Gobi Desert (戈壁大沙漠)

Gobi desert (戈壁沙漠)

Gobi desert (戈壁大沙漠)

Gobi desert (戈壁大沙漠)

magnifying glass (放大鏡)

magnifier (放大鏡); magnifying glass (放大鏡)

magnifier (放大鏡); magnifying glass (放大鏡)

magnifying glass (放大鏡) 是明確地代表 “放大鏡” 這種東西。magnifier 是泛指會把某一種東西放大的那一種東西。所以 如果你要非常明確地表達,這個東西就是 “放大鏡” ,那麼你就可以使用 magnifying glass 這一個名詞;如果你只是很輕鬆的在講,放大鏡,並沒有在意別人會不會會錯意,在這種情況下你就可以使用 magnifier 這一個名詞。



article (文章)

an article (一篇文章)

2022年7月26日 星期二

exemption (豁免)

operational definition (操作性定義)

National Library of New Zealand

natlib.govt.nz is owned and maintained by the National Library of New Zealand, part of the Department of Internal Affairs.

Reference Resources (參考性資源)

Reference Resources (參考性資源)

Reference Resources (參考性的資源)

Reference Resources (具有參考性的資源)

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

CNN Editorial Research

Antony Blinken Fast Facts

CNN Editorial Research

Updated 1917 GMT (0317 HKT) May 5, 2022

melody (旋律)

melody (旋律)

melody (旋律)
melodies (旋律)

melodies (旋律)

melody (旋律)

melody (旋律)
melodies (旋律)

2022年7月25日 星期一

pharyngitis (咽喉炎)

chronic pharyngitis (慢性咽喉炎)

acute pharyngitis (急性咽喉炎)

tonsillitis (扁桃腺炎)

chronic tonsillitis (慢性扁桃腺炎)

acute tonsillitis (急性扁桃腺炎)

tonsil (扁桃腺)

sublingual gland (舌下腺)

sublingual (舌下吸收的,舌下的,舌下腺的)

sublingual Glutathione (透過舌下吸收的穀胱甘肽)

tongue (舌頭)

brain fog (腦霧)

embolism (栓塞)

aortic aneurysm (主動脈瘤)

political party (政黨)

European People's Party (歐洲人民黨)

irreversible (不可逆的)

irreversible oxidation (不可逆的氧化反應)

2022年7月23日 星期六

atmosphere (大氣層,氛圍,氣氛)

influential (具有影響力的)

most influential (最有影響力的)

House Armed Services Committee (眾議院軍事委員會)

The House Armed Services Committee (眾議院軍事委員會)

Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee (眾議院軍事委員會主席)

Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee (眾議院軍事委員會主席)

transparent (透明的)

translucent (半透明的)

transparent (透明的)

opaque (不透明的)


transparent screen (透明的螢幕)


transparent screen (透明的螢幕)

screening router (篩選路由器)

screening (篩選)

Redox System (氧化還原系統)

Glutathione Redox System (穀胱甘肽氧化還原系統)

Conflict of Interest Statement (利益衝突的聲明)

Conflict of Interest Statement (利益衝突的聲明)

Conflict of Interest (利益衝突)

Conflict of Interest Statement

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

University of Manitoba

University of Manitoba

University of Mysore

【Glutathione (穀胱甘肽)】

University of Mysore

University of Mysore

【Glutathione (穀胱甘肽)】

principle (原理,原則)

Statistical analysis (統計學上的分析)

Statistical analysis (統計分析)

Statistical analysis (統計學的分析)

Statistical analysis (統計學上的分析)

Statistical Mechanics (統計力學)

Original Contribution (原創性的貢獻)

2022年7月21日 星期四

Data Sheet (資料表單,數據表單)

Linus Pauling (萊納斯.鮑林)

search results (搜尋結果)

search result (搜尋結果)

search results (搜尋結果)

Get better search results on Blogger (在 Blogger 上獲得更好的搜尋結果)

Taiwan (台灣)

Taiwan (台灣)

Taiwan (臺灣)

Taiwan (臺灣)

Taiwan (臺灣)

Taiwan (台灣)

Taiwan Province (臺灣省)

Taiwan Province (台灣省)

Taiwan Province (臺灣省)

Taiwan Province (台灣省)

Taiwan Province (台灣省)

Taiwan Province (臺灣省)

Fujian Province (福建省)

Molybdenum oxotransferase (鉬氧代轉移酶) 2022-0722 TBC

Molybdenum oxotransferase (鉬氧代轉移酶) 2022-0722 TBC



retina (視網膜)

retina (視網膜)

retinal (視網膜的)

retinal detachment (視網膜剝離)

choroid (脈絡膜)

optic chiasm (視交叉)

ruler (統治者)

ruler (統治者)
統治者 (ruler)

optic nerve (視神經)

progress (進展)

incremental (漸進式的)

Yangtze River (揚子江,長江)

Yangtze River (揚子江,長江)

Yangtze River (揚子江,長江)
Chang Jiang (長江,揚子江)

外國人把 長江 (Chang Jiang) 稱為 Yangtze River (揚子江)。

Chang Jiang (長江,揚子江)

Chang Jiang (長江,揚子江)

Chang Jiang (長江,揚子江)
Yangtze River (揚子江,長江)

外國人把 長江 (Chang Jiang) 稱為 Yangtze River (揚子江)。

Editor (編輯)

edit (編輯)

edit (編輯)

edible (可以食用的)
edit (編輯)

edible (可以食用的)

edible (可以食用的)
edit (編輯)

2022年7月19日 星期二

percussion (敲擊)

percussion (敲擊)

concussion (腦震盪)


concussion (腦震盪)

percussion (敲擊)

concussion (腦震盪)

bullet (子彈)

fluid percussion

fluid percussion injury

traumatic brain injury

traumatic brain injury (TBI)

traumatic brain injury (TBI)

gas (氣體)

liquid (液體)

fluid (流體)

fluid, gas, liquid (流體、氣體、液體)

fluid, gas, liquid (流體、氣體、液體)

fluid, gas, liquid (流體、氣體、液體)

percussion instrument (打擊樂器,敲擊樂器)

tobacco industry (菸草業,菸草產業)

2022年7月18日 星期一

Ballscrew (滾珠螺桿)

上銀科技 - Ballscrews

Gravitricity (重力儲能)

Hypoxemia (低血氧症)

Hypoxemia (低血氧症)

Definition. By Mayo Clinic Staff. Hypoxemia is a below-normal level of oxygen in your blood, specifically in the arteries. Hypoxemia is a sign of a problem related to breathing or circulation, and may result in various symptoms, such as shortness of breath.Sep 30, 2005

Silent Hypoxia (隱形缺氧)

Silent Hypoxia (隱形缺氧)

Silent Hypoxia (隱形缺氧), COVID-19, 新冠肺炎病毒

trauma (創傷)

Polytrauma (多重創傷)

Federal Prosecutor (聯邦檢察官)

Justice Matters! (正義至關重要!)

Justice Matters! (正義至關重要!)

聯邦檢察官(Federal prosecutor)

Glenn Kirschner, Justice Matters!,正義至關重要!正直的好人,退休的美國聯邦檢察官(Federal prosecutor)_2021-0809_

We will send you a confirmation email shortly. (我們隨即就會發送一封確認用的電子郵件給您。)

Thank you for subscribing. (謝謝您的訂閱。)

We will send you a confirmation email shortly. (我們隨即就會發送一封確認用的電子郵件給您。)

Thank you for subscribing. We will send you a confirmation email shortly. (謝謝您的訂閱。 我們隨即就會發送一封確認用的電子郵件給您。)

Thank you for subscribing. (謝謝您的訂閱。)

Thank you for subscribing. (謝謝您的訂閱。)

We will send you a confirmation email shortly. (我們隨即就會發送一封確認用的電子郵件給您。)

Thank you for subscribing. We will send you a confirmation email shortly. (謝謝您的訂閱。 我們隨即就會發送一封確認用的電子郵件給您。)

Fight for Justice (為正義而戰)

Slogan (廣告宣傳詞,宣傳的口號)

text passage (文字的片段)

What is the author's purpose in writing this passage? (作者寫這些文字的目的是什麼?)

his lack of action (他的毫無作為)

Symptom Name (症狀的名稱)

stomachache (胃痛)

Fight for Survival (為生存而戰)

Multiple Sclerosis (多發性硬化症)

2022年7月17日 星期日

electrolyte ratio (電解質的比例)

phenomena (現象)

phenomena (現象)

phenomenon (現象)

phenomenon (
現象 (phenomenon)

Tech Neck Phenomena

The Spine Guy - Tech Neck Phenomena

Global Warming (全球暖化)

Face Blindness (臉盲症)

Prosopagnosia (face blindness)

臉盲症 的英文名稱為:

學名:Prosopagnosia (臉盲症)

俗稱:Face Blindness (臉盲症)

Prosopagnosia (臉盲症)

Face Blindness (臉盲症)

Prosopagnosia (臉盲症)

Face Blindness (臉盲症)


Prosopagnosia (臉盲症)


Face Blindness (臉盲症)

Prosopagnosia (臉盲症) 也就是俗稱的 Face Blindness (臉盲症) 是一種認知功能的障礙。具體的症狀就是,沒有辦法正確地辨識人臉;也就是說,有這種症狀的人,當他看到你的時候,可能會認不出來是你,即便是他以前就曾經和你見過面了。

Prosopagnosia (臉盲症)

Prosopagnosia (face blindness)

臉盲症 的英文名稱為:

學名:Prosopagnosia (臉盲症)

俗稱:Face Blindness (臉盲症)

Prosopagnosia (臉盲症)

Face Blindness (臉盲症)

Prosopagnosia (臉盲症)

Face Blindness (臉盲症)


Prosopagnosia (臉盲症)


Face Blindness (臉盲症)

Prosopagnosia (臉盲症) 也就是俗稱的 Face Blindness (臉盲症) 是一種認知功能的障礙。具體的症狀就是,沒有辦法正確地辨識人臉;也就是說,有這種症狀的人,當他看到你的時候,可能會認不出來是你,即便是他以前就曾經和你見過面了。

Microeconomics (個體經濟學)

bamboo (竹子)

Nikola Tesla (尼古拉.特斯拉)

synthetic resin (合成樹脂)

autobiography (自傳)

natural resin (天然樹脂)

resin (樹脂)

thin slice (薄片)

2022年7月16日 星期六

Mesh WiFi

[無線路由器] 什麼是全屋網狀Mesh WiFi系統?


United Parcel Service

United Parcel Service

United Parcel Service is an American multinational shipping & receiving and supply chain management company founded in 1907. 

DHL Parcel


Department of Homeland Security (國土安全部)

Department of Homeland Security (國土安全部)

Department of Homeland Security (國土安全部)


Office of Inspector General (督察長辦公室)


Office of Inspector General (督察長辦公室)


U.S. Secret Service (美國特勤服務,美國特勤人員)

District Attorney (地區檢察官)


District Attorney

Ketanji Brown Jackson

Ketanji Brown Jackson, U.S. Supreme Court Justice

Ketanji Brown Jackson
Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States

Ketanji Brown Jackson, U.S. Supreme Court Justice 是 美國建國200多年以來第一位黑人的女性大法官。她是美國拜登總統提名的大法官。

Arthritis (關節炎)

Rheumatoid Arthritis (類風濕性關節炎)

degenerative arthritis (退化性關節炎)

Secret Service (特勤服務,特勤人員)

Inspector General (督察長)

Inspector General (督察長)

Inspector General (督察長)

biosynthesis (生化合成,生物合成,生合成)

biosynthesis (生化合成,生物合成,生合成)

synthesis (合成)

angiogenesis (血管新生)

Angiogenic; Angiogenesis:the formation and differentiation of blood vessels (血管新生的,血管新生:血管的形成和分化)





As Soon As Possible

As Soon As Possible (ASAP)







International Air Transport Association

International Air Transport Association (IATA)


2022年7月15日 星期五

Jerusalem (耶路撒冷)

Jerusalem Post (耶路撒冷郵報)

Middle East (中東)

turmeric (薑黃)

turmeric (薑黃)

turmeric (薑黃)


turmeric (薑黃)

turmeric (薑黃)


University of Auckland (奧克蘭大學)

University of Auckland (奧克蘭大學)

University of Auckland (奧克蘭大學),紐西蘭知名的大學。

water-water cycle

ascorbate oxidase

2022年7月14日 星期四

upregulation (上調)

ultrastructure (超細微結構)

sampling frame

sampling frame

sampling frame



R.S. Brown, in International Encyclopedia of Education (Third Edition), 2010

Sampling Frame

The sampling frame is the list of sample units from which the sample is drawn. A perfect frame is one in which each element in the population is separately listed once, only once, and no other population irrelevant or extraneous elements are listed. However, not all sampling frames are perfect, and it takes effort and attention to review potential sampling frames to ensure that they are free from error or that the errors in the frames can be addressed. Kish (1965) identifies four primary problems with sampling frames. The first problem is that some sampling frames are incomplete; thus, they do not include all available elements or sample units from the population. Another problem involves clustering of elements within a single listing, which violates the notion that each element be listed separately. A third problem deals with blanks listing or foreign listings in a sampling frame. This violates the rule that each listing should contain a single element. The fourth primary problem with sampling frames is that occasionally duplicate elements appear in the listing. This violates the edict that each element should be listed only once in a sampling frame.


military and political provocation (軍事和政治上的挑釁)

Executive Office of the President

Executive Office of the President, THE BIDEN-HARRIS ADMINISTRATION 2022-0714

Executive Office of the President, THE BIDEN-HARRIS ADMINISTRATION 2022-0714

security (安全)

safety (安全)

safe (安全的)

corridor (走廊,通道)

safe corridor (安全的通道)

a safe corridor (一條安全的通道)

a safe corridor (一條安全的通道)

a safe corridor (一條安全的通道)

2022年7月13日 星期三

Chief Scientist (首席科學家)

hieroglyph (象形文字,象形符號)

hieroglyph (象形文字,象形符號)

hieroglyphs (象形文字,象形符號)


osteomalacia (骨軟化症)

osteomalacia (骨軟化症)

osteomalacia (骨軟化症)

osteomalacia (骨軟化症)

cell lysis (細胞裂解)

knock knee (X形腿)

bowleg (O形腿,弓形腿)

bowlegs (O形腿,弓形腿)

knock knee (X形腿)
knock knees (X形腿)

bowleg (O形腿,弓形腿)

bowleg (O形腿,弓形腿)

bowlegs (O形腿,弓形腿)

knock knee (X形腿)
knock knees (X形腿)


bowlegs (O形腿,弓形腿)

bowlegs (O形腿,弓形腿)


Hypophosphatasia (低磷酸酯酶症)

mineralization (礦物質化作用)

Argentina (阿根廷)

Argentina (阿根廷)

1996 Oct;115(2):127-32.
 doi: 10.1016/0300-9629(96)00023-0.

Glutathione plays a role in the chick intestinal calcium absorption



  • 1Cătedra de Química Biológica, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina.


DL-buthionine-S,R-sulfoximine (BSO) administration to vitamin D-deficient chicks treated with cholecalciferol produces a rapid decrease in the Ca2+ transfer from lumen-to-plasma and in the intestinal glutathione content. This response was reversed by addition of glutathione monoester to the intestinal sac. Variables related to the Ca2+ homeostasis such as plasma Ca and P, and intestinal calbindin D28k were not modified by BSO given to vitamin D-deficient chicks treated with cholecalciferol. Intestinal alkaline phosphatase activity, on the contrary, was highly reduced by BSO in vitamin D-deficient chicks treated with vitamin D3. This effect showed time and dose-dependency. Although the mechanism/s of action of BSO on the intestinal Ca absorption is unknown, it is quite possible that thiol groups of protein involved in the Ca2+ transport are affected by the GSH depletion and/or by block of the antioxidant ability of vitamin D3. Thus, reactive oxygen compounds would be increased and, therefore, the Ca2+ movement from lumen to plasma decreases.
