Anthrax (炭疽病)
001. Anthrax is a serious infectious disease.
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001. Anthrax is a serious infectious disease caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis.
(炭疽病是一種由炭疽分枝桿菌(Bacillus anthracis)引起的嚴重傳染病。)
002. It primarily affects animals, especially herbivores like cattle, sheep, and goats, but humans can also contract it, typically through direct contact with infected animals or animal products, such as wool, hides, or meat.
003. There are several forms of anthrax, depending on how the infection is contracted and where it affects the body.
004. 1. Cutaneous anthrax: The most common form, occurring when the bacteria enter the body through cuts or abrasions in the skin.
(1. 皮膚型炭疽病:最常見的形式,當細菌通過皮膚的割傷或擦傷進入身體時發生。)
005. It causes a raised, itchy bump that develops into an ulcer with a black center.
006. If untreated, it can be deadly, but with proper treatment, the survival rate is high.
007. 2. Inhalation anthrax: The most serious form, occurring when spores are inhaled.
(2. 吸入型炭疽病:最嚴重的形式,當炭疽病孢子被吸入時發生。)
008. It can cause severe respiratory distress, fever, and shock.
009. This form has a high mortality rate even with treatment.
010. 3. Gastrointestinal anthrax: Occurs after consuming contaminated meat.
(3. 腸胃型炭疽病:在食用受污染的肉類後發生。)
011. It can cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and severe gastrointestinal distress, potentially leading to sepsis.
012. 4. Injection anthrax: A rare form of anthrax that occurs when the bacteria are injected, often associated with the use of contaminated illegal drugs.
(4. 注射型炭疽病:一種罕見的炭疽病形式,當細菌被注射進入體內時發生,通常與使用受污染的非法毒品有關。)
013. Anthrax is often associated with bioterrorism, as its spores can be weaponized.
014. However, it is naturally occurring and can be found in soil.
015. Vaccines are available to prevent anthrax in both humans and animals, and antibiotics can treat most cases if administered early.
016. The disease is not spread from person to person, and human cases are relatively rare, but when they do occur, they require prompt medical treatment to prevent serious outcomes.
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