湯偉晉 管理的部落格

2022年10月16日 星期日

urea (尿素)

urea (尿素) [湯偉晉編寫的英文字典] 2022-1016


urea (尿素) [湯偉晉編寫的英文字典] 2022-1016

Urea is a nitrogenous compound containing a carbonyl group attached to two amine groups with osmotic diuretic activity. 


In vivo, urea is formed in the liver via the urea cycle from ammonia and is the final end product of protein metabolism. 

Administration of urea elevates blood plasma osmolality, resulting in enhanced flow of water from tissues, including the brain, cerebrospinal fluid and eye, into interstitial fluid and plasma, thereby decreasing pressure in those tissues and increasing urine outflow.


urea (尿素) [湯偉晉編寫的英文字典] 2022-1016

urea (尿素) [湯偉晉編寫的英文字典] 2022-1016

