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2017年5月31日 星期三

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (結核分枝桿菌)

Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (結核分枝桿菌)
結核分枝桿菌 (Mycobacterium tuberculosis)

Glutathione and Nitrosoglutathione in Macrophage Defense against Mycobacterium tuberculosis [2005];_WJD_2017-0531_V001R01_IR93_
Source (資訊來源):
Info cited on 2017-05-31-WD3 (資訊引用於 中華民國106年5月31日) by 湯偉晉 (WeiJin Tang)

secretariat (秘書處)

secretariat (秘書處)
秘書處 (secretariat)

2017年5月15日 星期一

Bactine | Bactine Original First Aid Liquid

Bactine | Bactine Original First Aid Liquid

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What is an antiseptic?
Source (
Info cited on 2017-05-16-WD2 (
資訊引用於 中華民國106516) by 湯偉晉 (WeiJin Tang)

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What is an antiseptic?

What is an antiseptic?
An antiseptic is a chemical when applied to the skin, kills or halts the growth of microorganisms.
Some additional examples of an antiseptic include, soap, iodine, and hydrogen peroxide. The antiseptic in Bactine is benzalkonium chloride.

How does an anesthetic work?
Pain and itching from a skin injury are felt because the nerve cells send a message to the brain that something hurts or itches.
A local anesthetic works to interfere with the transmission of nerve impulses at the site of application.

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毒性物質 - 國家環境毒物研究中心

毒性物質 - 國家環境毒物研究中心
Source (
Info cited on 2017-05-16-WD2 (
資訊引用於 中華民國106516) by 湯偉晉 (WeiJin Tang)

Toxic Substances Portal - Hydrogen Peroxide

Toxic Substances Portal - Hydrogen Peroxide
Source (
Info cited on 2017-05-16-WD2 (
資訊引用於 中華民國106516) by 湯偉晉 (WeiJin Tang)

Phytochelatins and Metallothioneins: Roles in Heavy Metal Detoxification and Homeostasis

Phytochelatins and Metallothioneins: Roles in Heavy Metal Detoxification and Homeostasis