湯偉晉 管理的部落格

2016年10月31日 星期一

Department of Homeland Security – Recognizing and Combating Cybercrime (國土安全部 - 識別與打擊網路犯罪)

Department of Homeland Security
Department of Homeland Security (國土安全部)
國土安全部 (Department of Homeland Security)

Department of Homeland Security – Recognizing and Combating Cybercrime
國土安全部 - 識別與打擊網路犯罪
Department of Homeland Security Recognizing and Combating Cybercrime (國土安全部 - 識別與打擊網路犯罪)
國土安全部 - 識別與打擊網路犯罪 (Department of Homeland Security Recognizing and Combating Cybercrime)


Source (資訊來源):
Info cited on 2016-11-01-WD2 (資訊引用於 中華民國105111) by 湯偉晉 (WeiJin Tang)


big data (大數據)

big data
big data (大數據)
大數據 (big data)

critical knowledge (關鍵的知識)

critical knowledge
critical knowledge (關鍵的知識)
關鍵的知識 (critical knowledge)

molecular biologist (分子生物學家)

molecular biologist
molecular biologist (分子生物學家)
分子生物學家 (molecular biologist)

It’s beyond our imagination. (這完全超出我們的想像。)

It’s beyond our imagination.
It’s beyond our imagination. (這完全超出我們的想像。)
這完全超出我們的想像。 (It’s beyond our imagination.)

It’s beyond our imagination.
Its beyond our imagination. (這完全超乎我們的想像。)
這完全超乎我們的想像。 (It’s beyond our imagination.)

nutritionist (營養學家)

nutritionist (營養學家)
營養學家 (nutritionist)

It's completely beyond our imagination and understanding. (這完全超出我們的想像和可以理解的範圍。)

It's completely beyond our imagination and understanding.
It's completely beyond our imagination and understanding. (這完全超出我們的想像和可以理解的範圍。)
這完全超出我們的想像和可以理解的範圍。 (It's completely beyond our imagination and understanding.)

湯偉晉(WeiJin Tang) 親筆翻譯於 中華民國105年西元20161031日星期一台北時間下午643分。

workload (工作量)

workload (工作量)
工作量 (workload)

sodium salt (鈉鹽)

sodium salt
sodium salt (鈉鹽)
鈉鹽 (sodium salt)

azure (天藍色的,蔚藍的)

azure (天藍色的,蔚藍的)

azure (天藍色的,蔚藍的)
天藍色的,蔚藍的 (azure)

Microsoft Azure: Cloud Computing Platform & Services
微軟 Azure 雲端運算平台與服務
Microsoft Azure: Cloud Computing Platform & Services (微軟 Azure 雲端運算平台與服務)
微軟 Azure 雲端運算平台與服務 (Microsoft Azure: Cloud Computing Platform & Services)

Microsoft Azure: Cloud Computing Platform & Services
微軟蔚藍(雲端運算平台) 雲端運算平台與服務
Microsoft Azure: Cloud Computing Platform & Services (微軟蔚藍(雲端運算平台) 雲端運算平台與服務)
微軟蔚藍(雲端運算平台) 雲端運算平台與服務 (Microsoft Azure: Cloud Computing Platform & Services)

2016年10月28日 星期五

dark energy (暗能量)

dark energy
dark energy (暗能量)
暗能量 (dark energy)

暗能量(dark energy)是一種假想的作用力,用來解釋宇宙的加速膨脹;科學家相信宇宙中約有75%的質量和能量是來自暗能量。


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Source (資訊來源):
Info cited on 2016-10-29-WD6 (資訊引用於 中華民國1051029) by 湯偉晉 (WeiJin Tang)

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暗能量(dark energy)是一種假想的作用力,用來解釋宇宙的加速膨脹;科學家相信宇宙中約有75%的質量和能量是來自暗能量。本院天文及天文物理研究所博士後研究員張慈錦博士與兼任研究員彭威禮博士最近主持一項跨國研究計畫,成功研發出用來繪製「大尺度宇宙結構」(large cosmic structures)的新技術。藉此技術,科學家將能更深入地探索謎樣的暗能量及其本質和特性。研究團隊藉由太空中極遙遠的氫氣體所發出的電波,描繪出「宇宙網」(cosmic web)的圖像。此篇研究已於2010722日發表在國際頂尖期刊「自然」(Nature)雜誌。




本研究採用一種另類研究途徑,同時測量在宇宙網中許多不明星系之放射電波的加總值。研究團隊透過位於美國國家電波天文台的綠堤望遠鏡(Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope,或簡稱GBT)進行觀測,即刻搜尋並描繪多個星系內的氫氣體分佈。

更重要的是,此新技術能移除人為電波和較近距離天體的電波干擾,最後存留的電波大多來自非常遙遠的宇宙所蘊涵之氫氣體。這份作圖結果,與先前使用「可見光觀測」 (optical study)所繪製的結構圖詳加比對,吻合度相當高,成功驗證新方法的正確性。


綠堤望遠鏡係目前全球口徑最大的單一「可追蹤式電波望遠鏡」。美國國家電波天文台(National Radio Astronomy Observatory)隸屬於美國國家科學基金會(National Science Foundation),由「大學聯合公司」(Associated Universities, Inc.)依合作協議管理運作。

論文標題為:「0.8紅位移,氫氣體21公分譜線強度作圖」(Hydrogen 21-cm Intensity Mapping at Redshift 0.8)。全文可於「自然」雜誌網站瀏覽:http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v466/n7305/full/nature09187.html
除了張慈錦博士與彭威禮博士,本研究另外兩位研究人員為來自卡內基美隆大學(Carnegie Mellon University)的凱文班度拉博士(Dr. Kevin Bandura) 與傑佛瑞彼得森博士 (Dr. Jeffrey B. Peterson)
yhtseng@asiaa.sinica.edu.tw  (Tel) +886-2-23665458
(Tel)886-2-2789-8820  (Fax)886-2-2782-1551  (M)0922-036-691
林美惠,中央研究院總辦事處公關室mhlin313@gate. sinica.edu.tw
(Tel)886-2-2789-8821  (Fax)886-2-2782-1551  (M)0921-845-234
發稿單位 : 公關室

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Proteomics (蛋白質體學)

Proteomics (蛋白質體學)
蛋白質體學 (Proteomics)

webmaster (網站管理員)

webmaster (網站管理員)
網站管理員 (webmaster)

webmaster (網站管理員)
Person responsible for creating, managing, and maintaining one or more web-servers or websites. He or she has the specialized knowledge and skills to maintain the integrity of the site's content and its embedded links (hyperlinks), updates the information as often as required, and attends to the questions and problems of the site's users. See also system operator (sysop).
Source (資訊來源):
Info cited on 2016-10-29-WD6 (資訊引用於 中華民國1051029) by 湯偉晉 (WeiJin Tang)


execution speed (執行的速度)

execution speed
execution speed (執行的速度)
執行的速度 (execution speed)

2016年10月27日 星期四

Basic Safety Guidelines When Using a Laser (使用雷射時的基本安全守則)

Basic Safety Guidelines When Using a Laser
Basic Safety Guidelines When Using a Laser (使用雷射時的基本安全守則)
使用雷射時的基本安全守則 (Basic Safety Guidelines When Using a Laser)

Basic Safety Guidelines When Using a Laser
使用雷射時的基本安全守則 (Basic Safety Guidelines When Using a Laser)
Basic Safety Guidelines When Using a Laser (使用雷射時的基本安全守則)








湯偉晉(WeiJin Tang) 親筆寫於 中華民國105年西元20161028日星期五

2016年10月26日 星期三

unequivocal evidence (明確的證據)

unequivocal evidence
unequivocal evidence (明確的證據)
明確的證據 (unequivocal evidence)

Simple Definition of unequivocal
: very strong and clear : not showing or allowing any doubt : not equivocal
Source (資訊來源):
Info cited on 2016-10-26-WD3 (資訊引用於 中華民國1051026) by 湯偉晉 (WeiJin Tang)
Unequivocal evidence (明確的證據) in support of the nonenzymatic redox coupling between glutathione/glutathione disulfide and ascorbic acid/dehydroascorbic acid. [1992
Unequivocal evidence (明確的證據) in support of the nonenzymatic redox coupling between glutathione/glutathione disulfide and ascorbic acid/dehydroascorbic acid. [1992];_WJD_2016-1026_V001R01_IR93_
Source (資訊來源):
Info cited on 2016-10-26-WD3 (資訊引用於 中華民國1051026) by 湯偉晉 (WeiJin Tang)


2016年10月25日 星期二

Kavli Prize (卡弗里獎)

Kavli Prize

Kavli Prize

Kavli Prize


Kavli Prize for Neuroscience (卡弗里神經科學獎)


About Mr. Fred Kavli

Source (資訊來源):
Info cited on 2016-10-26-WD3 (資訊引用於 中華民國1051026) by 湯偉晉 (WeiJin Tang)
About Fred Kavli

Fred Kavli: Biograph
FRED KAVLI (1927-2013), a Norwegian-born U.S. citizen, was a physicist, entrepreneur, business leader, innovator and philanthropist dedicated to supporting research and education that has a positive, long-term impact on the human condition.
He established The Kavli Foundation to advance science for the benefit of humanity. Based in Southern California, the Foundation today includes an international community of basic research institutes in the fields of astrophysics, nanoscience, neuroscience, and theoretical physics. Located on three continents, the institutes are home to some of the most renowned researchers in their fields. The Foundation has also established and supported an international program of conferences, symposia, endowed professorships, and other activities. This includes being a founding partner of the biennial Kavli Prizes, which recognize scientists for their seminal advances in three research areas: astrophysics, nanoscience, and neuroscience.
From Eresfjord to California

In September 2007, prior to a special symposium in his honor, Fred Kavli discussed The Kavli Foundation, the Kavli Institutes, the Kavli Prizes and his lifelong interest in science.
A naturalized American citizen, Kavli was born in 1927 on a small farm in Eresfjord, Norway - a village nestled in the mountains along the Eira River. Kavli would later recall these early days as giving birth to his interest in science, where he grew up experiencing “the world at its most magnificent."1  This interest would blossom further while studying physics at the Norwegian Institute of Technology (now known as the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim). As he recalled in remarks prepared for the York Science Festival in 2007, “In those days, I used to ski across the vast white expanses of a quiet and lonely mountaintop. Sometimes the northern lights would dance across the sky and down to the white-clad peaks. During those moments, I pondered the mysteries of the universe, the planet, nature, and of man. And I would never lose that fascination.”2
Building his business acumen, Kavli financed his studies with proceeds from a small business he and his brother, both teenagers, ran during World War II, making wood briquettes that could be used as fuel for modified automobiles. Immediately upon completing his studies in 1955 and receiving an engineering degree, he left for Canada and one year later came to the United States. After two years in California, he built upon his entrepreneurial spirit and experience and founded the Kavlico Corporation in Los Angeles in 1958 - later relocated to Moorpark, California. As Kavli recalled in 2000, "Venture capital was not as easy to come by as it is now." To secure initial backing for his business idea, he placed an ad in the Los Angeles Times, "Engineer seeks financial sponsor to start own business."3 Under his leadership, the company would become one of the world's largest suppliers of sensors for aeronautical, automotive and industrial applications with its products found in such landmark projects as the SR-71 Blackbird and the Space Shuttle.
Establishing The Kavli Foundation

2008 documentary that appeared on NRK/Norwegian Broadcast Corp.  (Courtesy of Nordisk Film, Norway. Director/producer Stig Andersen, 2008)
The company would receive many distinguished awards under Kavli's leadership and patent numerous technological breakthroughs. He remained CEO and sole shareholder of the company until the company was sold in 2000. He subsequently established The Kavli Foundation to support scientific research aimed at improving the quality of life for people around the world.  “I always felt strongly that I wanted to do something of value for mankind. To start a business and be successful, it’s good. But that was not my goal at all,”4 he would later say.
Over time, the Foundation has established and endowed research institutes at leading universities worldwide, focusing on the areas of astrophysics, nanoscience, neuroscience and theoretical physics. Today, there are seventeen such institutes and there will be more in the years to come. The Foundation has endowed research institutes in neuroscience at Columbia University, Yale University, the University of California, San Diego and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology; in nanoscience, there are Kavli Institutes at the California Institute of Technology, Cornell University, Harvard University, the Delft University of Technology, and the University of California, Berkeley; in astrophysics and cosmology, the institutes are at Stanford University, the University of Chicago, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Cambridge, Peking University, the University of Tokyo; and in theoretical physics, the institutes are at the University of California, Santa Barbara and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The Foundation has also endowed seven university professorial chairs, sponsors science symposia and workshops, supports initiatives to engage the public in science and that help scientists themselves be better communicators, and supports excellence in science journalism. This includes endowing the AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards administered by the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Discussing his interest in astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience, Kavli said, “The Kavli Institutes will pursue science at astronomical scales – the universe; at the most infinitesimal scales – atoms and molecules; and in the most complex of all things – the human brain.”5 He would also frame these scientific areas as the biggest, the smallest and the most complex. “I have selected these areas of emphasis because I believe they provide the greatest opportunity for major scientific breakthroughs and will have long range benefits for humanity.”6
Explaining in 2008 his broader interest in basic science research, he said, “The Kavli Foundation supports basic science because we believe in its long-range benefit to humanity. We are looking for benefits that may lie far into the future, benefits that may be hard to predict, but as we look at the past, the benefits of science have been proven over time. The fruits of research are not always immediate and are often not predictable. Often the benefits are the result of unpredictable outcomes of an exploration that was initially motivated purely by intellectual curiosity.”7
Establishing The Kavli Prizes
Fred Kavli at the inaugural Kavli PrizeFred Kavli addresses the audience at the Inaugural Kavli Prize Ceremony. (Scanpix)
Starting in 2008, the Foundation launched a series of science prizes to recognize scientists for their seminal advances in astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience. Consisting of a scroll, a gold medal and a cash award of one million dollars, a Kavli Prize in each of these areas is awarded every two years. The Kavli Prizes are presented by the King of Norway in a ceremony in Oslo, Norway and are a partnership between The Kavli Foundation, the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, and the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research. In acknowledgement of their achievement, U.S. laureates have been consistently invited to meet the President in the Oval Office in recognition of the importance of science in achieving a better and more prosperous society.
In addition to establishing institutes and prizes, the Foundation has brought together scientists at meetings that facilitate open dialogue and an exchange of ideas. These meetings have precipitated such major initiatives as the Brain Activity Map proposal, which was a major catalyst for President Obama's Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative announced in April 2013.
Honors and Recognition
Fred Kavli recieves the Carnegie Medal of PhilanthropyFred Kavli receiving the Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy (Credit: Carnegie Corporation)
Fred Kavli was a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a member of the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences, and a former member of the U.S. President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. A former member of the University of California President's Board on Science and Innovation, he was a Trustee of the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) Foundation. His many honors included receiving the Royal Norwegian Order of Merit for Outstanding Service and honorary doctorates from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Northwestern University, and the University of Oslo. In 2011 he received the Bower Award for Business Leadership from the Franklin Institute, one of the oldest science education centers in the United States, and the Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy, which is given biennially to one or more individuals who, like Andrew Carnegie, have dedicated their private wealth to public good, and who have sustained impressive careers as philanthropists.
In addition to supporting scientific research and education, Kavli's philanthropic activities included the Fred Kavli Theatre for Performing Arts at the Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza, as well as other projects.
Fred Kavli passed away on November 21, 2013 and was laid to rest in his hometown of Eresfjord, Norway.
1927 - Born in Eresfjord, Møre og Romsdal county, Norway
1955 - Graduates with a degree in theoretical physics at the Norwegian Institute of Technology in Trondheim
1956 - Arrives in the United States
1958 - Founds the Kavlico Corporation in Los Angeles – later relocated to Moorpark, California
2000 - Establishes The Kavli Foundation and The Kavli Operating Institute (now merged with The Kavli Foundation)
2002 - Establishes the first Kavli Institute; Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP) at the University of California, Santa Barbara
2006 - Elected Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
2006 - Receives the Royal Norwegian Order of Merit for Outstanding Service
2008 - Receives Tekna Gold Medal
2008 - Receives an honorary doctorate, Doctor Honoris Causa, from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology
2008 - First Kavli Prizes awarded
2009 - Receives an honorary Doctor of Science degree from Northwestern University
2011 - Receives the Bower Award for Business Leadership from the Franklin Institute
2013 - Fred Kavli passes away at the age of 86
